Sur les terres oubliées des Petites Iles de la Sonde
Sur les terres oubliées des Petites Iles de la Sonde

The universe of the Draa Valley also deserves a complete book dedicated to it, because, on its two banks, the river feeds incomparably photogenic villages and fortified castles. As far as Zagora and Tamegroute, a center of knowledge, the flourishing library in a bare place where goats find it difficult to find a blade of hard grass.

Draa Valley

Draa Valley

Un des plus grands ksars du Draa, sur sa rive gauche. Le fleuve, issu du Haut-Atlas, va bientôt se perdre sous le sable et les roches mais il donne encore la vie à des dizaines d’oasis.

The quality of the interior decoration, very inspired by the Fassi palaces, proves that it was the property of a powerful lord. Raw brick imitates the city arcades from Granada…

Tamegroute potters lighting the ovens

The potters of Tamegrout lighting the ovens

A potter of Tamegrout e

After, it's very far
So direction Tissint and Tata by Foum Zguid

The badlands of Tissint or found refuge Charles de Foucault

Tissint: Hands adorned with henna like a territory map ...

The Badlands of Tissint

A young Tissint woman

A family of Tata

Tissint musicians

Daily work at Tata
To go further south
To return to the East