Sur les terres oubliées des Petites Iles de la Sonde
Sur les terres oubliées des Petites Iles de la Sonde

The "very beautiful", one of the success stories of an eventful history, is a country all by itself, facing the ocean. The trade winds offer it an equal and temperate climate: excellent all year round. "European fantasy on a Moroccan theme" said a poet. Incomparable.

Impossible to resist this montage offered by nature and an unknown wall painter. The skala is painted on one of the high walls of the… skala! and the birds (I believe, frigates) fly from one site to another. It is a mise en abyme that could continue. Essaouira projects itself.

The city that so well deserves its name "pretty picture" "or pretty view" - we always discuss it - is a book of which we will never know all the chapters. We leaf through, we reread.
That day, luck of the photographer, opportunity which makes the good thief, I discreetly followed two young women who strolled in the late afternoon, their family day visibly ended. A desire to capture emblematic silhouettes who paid absolutely no attention to me. January light is often the best of the year, the finest, the most expressive. All in their conversation, they guided me in the central square then settled in front of this sumptuous curtain of an imperial purple stage, the favorite color of the Roman elites whose obsession has crossed the millennia: the seashell becomes director scene. Orson Welles could only film it in black and white, but how could we not think of Othello?

The strength of a fishing port. All these vessels are still made "at home". The painter perched on a double scale gives the measure of this trawler whose red hull of minium lights up the site, and which will soon disappear in the waves; will remain the intense green plating


Back from fishing

Boats moored in the harbor, crowded like a bench of sardines.








In this port, barely protected by a small estuary, the fishermen must return the boats every evening and cross an endless beach at low tide. Formerly, they hung their nets on a lucky argan tree.

Agadir bay

To go further south
To return to the East